Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Life : September & October

Wow!! It's been a while since I blogged with pictures of my daily life. Time has been flying by so quickly it's crazy to think about!! These past couple months have been so amazing! God is so good and His blessings never cease! I've never felt closer with my Jesus and pray as time goes on, that our relationship will grow more deep and precious. I have had the best encouragement and uplifting words from my Christian friends ( My dear brothers and sisters in Christ ). . . I thank each one of you for being there for me and challenging me to be a better Christian..

Before I go on sharing photos that I have taken randomly throughout the past two months (Most of them you may recognize from Instagram), I just wanted to share this song by Hilsong. You can play it as you scroll down and look at that photos I have shared. :) 

Stand In Awe - Hillsong

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A few drawing I did in my free time in September =)

 2:00 a.m. photos...gotta love um ;)

<3 This girl <3

My Best friend..! 
Working off two hours sleep there :/

~ You always make me smile ~

 It's that time again.. lots and lots of Soup

~ I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. ~ (Psalm 27:13)


Better than all this world
Better than all I know
Better than life itself
Your love is
All that I have is Yours
All that I'm living for
All that I need is You Lord

You are better than life
Than anything in this world
You are all that I want
In everything You are good
I stand in awe of all that You are
I stand in awe of You

Everything unto You
Everything held by You
All of our hope is in You Jesus
Nothing compares to You
Nothing will take Your place
All of our trust is in You Lord

All of my heart
All that I am

Hillsong - Stand in Awe

Saturday, November 3, 2012

† Jesus Heals †

Today, I'll share with y'all a true story. ;)  It starts out a little sad but I'll give a hint ( it doesn't last like that for very long ;) ) I really hope each of you, as you read this, feel how effective God's love can be and how He can work in your life in the best possible way!!

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There was this young lady, who had a past, and her past brought a lot of pain in her life when she would think on it. It hurt a lot and left a lot of sadness and heartbreak. Even long after God helped her through the pain and hurt and forgiving, she would still have flashbacks of what she went through. Because of the things this girl went through, it left her with a trusting issue. This trust issue stopped her from building relationships with new people. She would feel like she couldn't trust or depend on anyone without feeling like they'd turn on her at some point. The only person she turned to was her personal Saviour, Jesus Christ. He was always there for her with open arms, ready for her to run into. He comforted her in the hardest times and He helped her with so much and to get through so many things with His unfailing love. She knew that God wanted her to make godly, Christian friends, but because of this trust issue this girl dealt with, it kept her from making new friends.

So one evening, the girl started talking with a friend on this issue. The girl started telling her friend why she had these feelings. How she couldn't go through building friendships and then getting hurt by them, how she couldn't go through it physically, mentally, or emotionally again. Her friend had the perfect answer for her..Here's what this person told her... That the past was the past, she needed to face it. she couldn't let it take any more of her present. She needed to let go of any bad memories that she had. That the people and the events from the past, is just it, the past! ("Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13-14)) She couldn't let it take any more of her thoughts or time. She needed to stop letting it bring her down and stop letting it keep her from building new relationships.  But most of all, She needed to give God her whole past and let Him mend her heart fully. Of any past hurt, heartbreak, and trust issues she had...

The girl didn't realize that even though she forgave everyone of her past and let go of everything that kept her back, she didn't let God truly mend her heart fully..enough to not let the past creep back into her thoughts and to stop holding her back from trusting others.. So this young ladie's friend told her to do these things: Play this song  (I surrender - by Hillsong) and pray HARD, asking God to take away her past and ask Him to mend her heart.

{ I Surrender - Hillsong }

She did just that. She played that song loud on her headphones so no sound could distract her, kneeling down, with arms stretched wide reaching towards heaven, as she sang along to the lyrics and praying at the same time. Feeling each word and the strength of them. Desperate to be filled with His love and mercy. She knelt there, surrendering herself to her Lord. As tears flowed down her cheeks, she told God she was ready to give up the memories that caused her to have trust issues and gave Him her whole past and her whole self. Everything that held her back, she gave to Him. As she cried out to the Lord, she could feel Him taking away her whole past. She could feel Him mending her heart like never before. She just kept saying, "Lord have your way in me". It moved her so much, the tears couldn't stop flowing (out of happiness)!.. She couldn't be more thankful and happy. She was so grateful for her friend to pray with her and had this amazing experience of God's mercy that took away the thing that held onto her so tightly. That her past hurt was gone! And now she could trust again!

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If you caught on or was wandering, yes, that story was based on me and my amazing experience of God's great mercy and love that happened recently. I wanted to share this story with all of you because lately, I've been having so many people tell me how much hurt they're going through right now or went through and just don't know how to feel like that part of they're life is over and just want to start living in the now for Christ, letting go of the past. One huge part of this process of having peace again is Forgiving. Forgivness is such a huge part of a Christian's walk with Christ and moving on in life from those who hurt you. 14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. (Matt. 6:14-15). You can't move on in life having this burden hanging over you because you haven't forgiven your past and the people in it...I have this huge heart for God and wanting to please Him..He forgave me of my sins and died on the cross way before I repented of my sins.. "The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. (Psalm 103:8-12)."  So I, out of love, forgave anyone and anything from my past. When you forgive, it has to come out of a heart that truly means it. You haven't truly forgiven if your heart didn't really mean it..With all my heart, I love those who have hurt me and I pray for them all the time.

I'm overjoyed that God mended my heart, wiped away my past, and took away my trust issue. "Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." ( John 14:13). I now see that I need to build friendships that are established on the same thing and priority. Which is honoring Christ in everything we say and do and giving God all the glory.

 So with what God has done for me and shared with me to share with all of you who have a past that you no longer want, I really advise you to get into deep prayer ( also, if you have someone that you're close to, ask them to pray along with you ). Cry out to Jesus and ask Him to take away all the pain that Satan has caused. Plead to Him to mend your heart from hurt and to fill it with His love. Search your heart and surrender to God. Have the Love like Christ to forgive those of your past and really mean it with a heart full of love for them. You'll gain so much in return for obeying Christ.

~ It's a incomparable feeling to Have our Lord Jesus fill you up with His love that never ends and for Him to work in your life so powerfully. I want each of you to feel it..The power of prayer is so mighty and strong..God calls each of you to come to Him..if you haven't, break down and surrender to the One who gave Himself for you. There's no greater joy. ~